Review process

The outcome of Breeze’s latest analysis is shown at the very top of each page within your Confluence.

☝️Please notice:
Although slightly different in style, the labeling shown at the top of each page corresponds to the labeling that is shown in the overview.


This analysis outcome is the result of the workflow rules that have been assigned to the space, in which the page is contained. If the triggering workflow contains persons to notify about the page status, the analysis report will mention these persons and either ask for a review (in case of the Review required label) or for archiving (in case of the Archivable label).

On a page, reviewers can decide how to proceed by clicking on the status badge at the very top, which in the case of Review required opens up the following page status dialog.

If the reviewer decides that the page is still relevant, it can be marked as up to date by clicking the corresponding button. This will reset the Review required badge to Up to date and also reset the conditions that have triggered the state change in the workflow.

Take for example a page that has been automatically marked for “review required” because it has not been viewed for 60 days, as specified in the corresponding workflow. When the page is then manually marked as “up to date” by a reviewer, the “last viewed” date will be set to the actual date.

If the reviewer however decides that the page is no longer needed, it can be marked for archiving by clicking the corresponding button. The reviewer can then also add a comment, which will then show up in the archiving component. This helps space admins (or persons in charge of archiving) understand why pages are no longer needed.

Manual labeling, exclusion of pages and page owners

There are three more features to the review process that are accessible via the “…” button at the bottom right of the page status dialog.

1. Archive page

This opens the archiving dialog, as shown above. Independent on the actual page status, it allows to manually label pages as Archivable and to provide an archiving comment.

2. Exclude page

This opens a dialog, where the actual page as well as of the page’s descendants can be excluded from the content analysis. This is especially useful for pages or page hierarchies that must not be reviewed but kept under all circumstances, e.g. due to legal requirements.

3. Set page owner

This opens a dialog, where an owner can be associated with the page and/or the page descendants. Page ownership can then be considered within the notification rules of the workflow editor.