Quick start

Make sure to read the introduction first to gather a basic understanding of how the app works.


This tutorial will help you get started with Breeze - Content archiving made simple for Confluence Cloud. In 4 simple steps, we will guide you through the app functionality, and you will learn how to:


  1. Define a simple demo workflow

  2. Assign this workflow to a space

  3. Trigger the space content analysis

  4. Take action on the analysis results


1st step: define workflow


1. Click on Workflow editor.

2. Click on Create workflow.


3. Set the rule for Review Required to 60 Days without update and click on Save workflow.

In this demo workflow, we decided to set 60 days without an update as a condition to label a page as Review Required. Of course, you can define your own conditions for labeling pages as Review Required or Archivable, as described in the workflow editor. However, to keep things simple, we suggest sticking with the given example in the first place.


2nd step: assign workflow to space


1. Navigate to the Overview.



2. Choose a space and click on Assign workflow.

☝️ Please notice:
The assignment of workflows to a space is only permitted to space admins.



3. Select the workflow just created and click Assign workflow.



3rd step: trigger the space content analysis


1. Click on Analyze space.

☝️ Please notice:
Only space admins can trigger the manual space content analysis.




2. Click on Analyze space now. This will trigger the manual content analyisis for the selected space, taking into account the assigned workflow.


☝️ Please notice:
By default and as a result of the initial setup process, Breeze is configured to execute a content analysis automatically every four weeks. Admins of your Confluence site can change the analysis interval in the app settings by clicking the gear icon in the app menu bar. Since these settings globally determine the automatic content analysis for all spaces, access to these settings is only provided to site admins. By default, this usually requires admins to be part of the user groups “confluence-admins” or “site-admins” in your global permissions settings.


4th step: take action on the analysis results


1. Open the content analysis report by clicking Open latest report.


☝️ Please notice:
Breeze creates the page “Breeze Reports” at the top of the page level hierarchy within each space with an assigned workflow. New reports will be added as sub-pages to this page. This is true even if the parent page “Breeze Reports” is moved to another location within the space.


3. Review the pages marked as Review required by clicking on the page links within the report and starting the review process.

☝️ Explanation:
According to your demo workflow created in the first step, these are all pages that have not been updated for at least 60 days.

🎉 Congratulations!

Until here, you have created a workflow, assigned it to a space, and started a manual content analysis. Now it’s your turn to proceed and quickly get rid of outdated content with Breeze.

For the following steps, we recommend reading more about the individual components, i.e., the overview, the workflow editor, and the archiving component, to understand the review process and how to set up appropriate workflows for improving your content quality.

If you have any further questions, please reach out via our service desk.