The workflow editor is where you define custom workflows for your content lifecycle management.

Each workflow consists of a name and two sections containing

In the example below, the Default workflow is set, so that the badge will be automatically assigned to pages that are 90 days without an update, or 60 days without any view.

In the reports, Breeze will then notify the page creator, the last contributor, and two individual persons (Annika and Molly) to review the corresponding pages.

Likewise, the example also shows that the badge will be automatically assigned to pages that haven’t been viewed for 120 days. In this case, the page owner will be notified as well as Martin, who might be in charge of archiving obsolete pages.

Once a workflow is assigned to spaces via the overview, the associated spaces also show at the top when editing a workflow in the editor, as shown below.

☝️Please notice:
Editing workflows requires the user to have admin rights for all spaces the workflow is assigned to.